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Peter Kinzing et David Roentgen, La Joueuse de tympanon, 1784, automate, 122,5 x 123 x 65 cm, conservé au Musée des Arts et Métiers

This academic blog shares the ongoing investigations of the CulturIA research project. Funded by the French National Research Agency, this project studies the cultural history of artificial intelligence (AI) from its “prehistory” to contemporary developments in deep learning.

The research hypothesis of CulturIA is based on the need to understand AI not only as a set of algorithms, but also as a “technoculture”1 where the involved sciences (mathematics, information sciences and cognitive sciences)belong to institutions that configure scientific practices, but also exist as situated cultural contexts and in imaginaries that involve ideologies, fictions and sensitive representations. To this end, CulturIA combines the history of science, the history of ideas and the sociology of science and technology with several field analyses.

CultureIA is an interdisciplinary project co-managed by the Sorbonne Nouvelle, the Centre Internet et Société and Inria. It combines several original methods. The first part of the project is dedicated to an examination of the very interdisciplinary and varied scientific culture of contemporary AI through a search of its literature. This study will allow us to map its semantics and concepts. In a second phase, the project will rely on a series of field surveys in the sociology of science and technology in four differentiated and representative cultural contexts (France, United States, Singapore and Russia) allowing us to understand the “technoculture” of practitioners. Finally, CulturIA will produce a history of AI that will mobilize some of the best historians of science, technology and culture.

You will find in this academic blog all the information related to the public events and productions of the ANR CulturIA project: seminars, conferences, study days and other meetings will be announced throughout the project. This blog will report on our field investigations with observations and reflections “on the spot”. It will also be used to share our original publications and literature reviews to build a solid corpus of academic literature on the cultural history and sociology of AI. It is also through this blog that we will share the calls for papers related to the project.

We hope that this blog will also serve as a discussion and reference for our audiences interested in AI and its socio-cultural aspects, whether they are researchers in the humanities and social sciences, AI practitioners, representatives of civil society, NGOs, think tanks, companies or government agencies. This blog is therefore an invitation to share knowledge and passion on the culture of artificial intelligence.

  1. Shaw, D. B. (2008). Technoculture: The key concepts. Berg Publishers []

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Alexandre Gefen (21 janvier 2022). CulturIA. CulturIA. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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