Pour une histoire de l’IA #15 : Bernard Geoghegan

La quinzième séance du séminaire Pour une histoire de l’IA accueillait Bernard Geoghegan le 7 mai 2024 pour une séance intitulée Learning to Code: From Information Theory to French Theory. Ci-dessous, un court synopsis de la séance ainsi que la biographie de notre invité :
Learning to Code: From Information Theory to French Theory
Whither the human: Computing and Indigenous Knowledge against the Inhuman Sciences” examines the long history of progressive efforts to overcome racist and exclusionary aspects of Western humanism through effort to position computing and technical media as a resource for capturing and recognizing diverse cultural traditions. Cases examined include Mead’s and Bateson’s work with anthropology, media, cybernetics. and computing in the 1930s and 1940s, the rise of informatic themes in Cold War “French theory,” and speculations on the afterlife of this work in more recent projects in digital humanities and posthuman media theory.
Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan is a Reader in Digital Humanities (London) and Senior Lecturer in Communications (Gothenburg). He has also taught in France and the USA. An overarching theme of his research is how cultural sciences shape—and are shaped by—technical media. This concern spans his writing on how fields such as ethnographic film, nineteenth-century performance, and cartography shaped modern computing. His monograph Code: From Information Theory to French Theory appeared with Duke University Press in 2023. He has also worked as a curator in Berlin and New Haven.
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Carla Marand (28 mai 2024). Pour une histoire de l’IA #15 : Bernard Geoghegan. CulturIA. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/11qn3