Pour une histoire de l’IA #14 : Jeff Nagy

La quatorzième séance du séminaire Pour une histoire de l’IA accueillait Jeff Nagy le 23 avril 2024 pour une séance intitulée Broken Brains and Bad Behavior: Disability in the History of AI. Ci-dessous, un court synopsis de la séance ainsi que la biographie de notre invité :
Broken Brains and Bad Behavior: Disability in the History of AI
The relationship between technology and disability has conventionally been articulated in terms of prostheses: technologies, including, increasingly, AI, are seen as normalizing helpmeets for supposedly broken bodies and minds. This talk argues instead that disability has often served as a fulcrum and wellspring for the construction of AI technologies and algorithmic power. From this vantage point, AI history is disability history. And this perspective shifts our historiographical attention to different relationships in different places: not the start-up or the defense department lab, but, for example, the clinic and the asylum. This talk focuses on a moment in a disability history of AI from the middle of the 20th century, a small set of experiments where disability was mobilized to create new methods of capturing human behavior as data, methods that also enabled the manipulation of that behavior in pervasively technological environments, a crucial precursor to contemporary surveillance capitalism. Because these experiments took place before the introduction of digital computers in the laboratory, they suggest that our contemporary AI-mediated world might stem as much or more from tactical mobilizations of disability than from the “digital” as such
Jeff Nagy is a historian of computing, AI, and disability. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow with the DISCO (Digital Inquiry, Speculation, Collaboration, and Optimism) Network, a collective of intergenerational scholars and artists working to envision anti-racist and anti-ableist technological futures. At Michigan, he is also the Faculty Lead for Search Engines, a series of public programs at the intersection of the arts, new technology, and social justice. As of July 1, he will be Assistant Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Critical Data Studies at York University in Toronto. His research has been published in New Media & Society, Technology & Culture, and elsewhere.
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Carla Marand (16 mai 2024). Pour une histoire de l’IA #14 : Jeff Nagy. CulturIA. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/11oh4